Got questions? We've got answers.

NO, we are not a subscription box.

We will email you when the next version is completed and ready to order.

-Regretfully, NO. We hope to in the future. There are brands in the GG Power Crate which aren't yet selling in Canada.

POWER CODES are bonus discounts and savings on brands inside every GG Power Crate.

Every crate is another chance to win a Golden Ticket.

These randomly packed tickets give 10 lucky winners a redeemable code for a rare gift.

In your wildest dreams you could not imagine the MARVELOUS surprise that awaits you!

No subscriptions, no worries

We’re not a subscription box, so don’t miss out! Join our insiders list and be the first to know when the newest version of the GG Power Crate drops.

Got Questions?

Someone from our crew would be happy to speak with you.